Energizing Green Smoothie

Looking for the perfect way to start your morning? Look no further! This green smoothie is instant energy in a glass and has all the ingredients your body needs to detoxify and stay hydrated. 

When we consume food that's blended, our body has an easier time digesting it because it's essentially "pre-digested" (as if you've chewed your food REALLY well). The blender breaks down the cell walls of the leafy greens and makes the nutrients trapped inside easier to absorb into the body.

When we're nourishing our bodies with raw foods that are high in nutrients, we feel more alive!

Ever feel tired after a heavy meal? This is because your body is using up all of its energy to digest your food. On the other hand, when you consume a light meal, like this green smoothie, your body doesn't need to direct as much energy toward digestion (fruits and veggies are easier to digest than meat, for instance AND they've already been "pre-digested") and therefore you feel more energized!

Energizing Green Smoothie

Yields: 4 cups


  • 1 1/2 cups water

  • 1 cucumber (peeled and chopped)

  • 1 apple (cored and chopped)

  • 2-3 stalks celery

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Juice of 1 lime

  • 2-3 drops stevia (optional -adds sweetness)

  • 3 cups romaine lettuce (chopped)


  • Add 1/2 avocado (peeled and pit removed)

  • Add dash of cayenne pepper

  • Instead of romaine, use spinach or kale


  • Put ingredients in a blender (preferably a high-speed blender) in the order listed, blend and enjoy!

Drink immediately or store in an air-tight container in the refrigerator and consume within 1-2 days.

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