My Favorite Running Playlist (45-Minutes)

My Favorite Running Playlist (45-Minutes)

I’m always on the hunt for new running music. 

If you see me running and want to get my attention, wave or throw something at me because I am usually in my own little world, sucked into whatever motivational anthem is coming out of my headphones.

Ever since middle school when I first entered the world of mix tapes, I’ve been obsessed with making playlists. 

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Juice Cleanse: Day 3 of 3

Juice Cleanse: Day 3 of 3

Woo hoo! Last day of my cleanse! That went by really fast. I feel like I could have done it without any hesitation for another 2-4 days as long as I'm as busy as I've been. My biggest challenge now is...what the heck am I going to eat tomorrow and Friday?! I was so used to not having to think about it!

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6 TED Talks Worth Watching: Life

6 TED Talks Worth Watching: Life

Here are some more of my favorite talks, but these are a little different. These inspirational messages are about standing up after you've fallen down, living your life to the fullest, changing your perspective, focusing on the positive and more. They'll motivate you, enlighten you, and remind you that you are the creator of your life and you can design it however you want.  These are definitely worth watching and shorter than your favorite sitcom. I truly hope you enjoy these talks as much as I have!

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3 TED Talks Worth Watching: Food & the Obesity Epidemic

3 TED Talks Worth Watching: Food & the Obesity Epidemic

Lately, I've really gotten into TED Talks. In 20 minutes or less, they've inspired me, educated me, and motivated me to change for the better. Here are three of my favorites about the evolution of food in the United States as well as the growing obesity epidemic. I hope you enjoy them!

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I Hosted a Raw Food Dinner Party

I Hosted a Raw Food Dinner Party

Last night, I invited two of my friends to my apartment for a raw food dinner.  I prepared a variety of wraps and fillings so they could make their own spring rolls, sushi rolls and burritos. It was fun to watch them get creative with different combinations and I think they really enjoyed it! Afterward, they reported being full, but not in a "disgusting, sick way" like they would after a heavy, cooked meal. I think they were both surprised at how satisfied they could be just on raw food alone, particularly since they're so accustomed to eating meat at dinner time.

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