As I've mentioned on this blog, I personally do not adhere to any one "diet" nor do I recommend any one "diet" to everyone.
I've tried and enjoyed many different ways of eating, including a high raw and 100% vegan diet, but I believe that we are all unique and there is no "one size fits all" way of eating for everyone.
I am not arguing against the compelling evidence supporting the benefits of a vegan diet, but I do know many people whose health have actually improved with the addition of some animal fat and animal protein.
I am a proponent of a whole foods diet, particularly rich in organically grown, seasonal, local fruits and vegetables of every color of the rainbow but I also believe that a diet consisting of a small amount of organic, grass-fed beef, for instance, is healthier than a diet which is vegan but consists of white bread and junk food.
What I think both healthy, plant-based vegans and healthy carnivores can agree on is that the two biggest culprits in the modern western diet are:
1. PROCESSED FOODS: Namely the foods located in the middle aisles of the super market or in convenience stores. Many of these products contain high fructose corn syrup and have with a list of ingredients so long that the product doesn't even deserve to be called "food" (check out the the documentary King Corn for more on this)
2. FAST FOOD: Particularly poor quality, grain-fed meat, foods void of nutrients (e.g. french fries, hamburger buns), and soft drinks
These foods are making us sick and our society is so dependent on prescription medication for fixing just about everything that it's costing us not just an absurd amount of money each year, but our health as well.
Doctors even prescribe medication to treat the symptoms caused by the side effects from our other prescription medications! We take whatever our doctors tell us to take without considering more natural and less costly alternatives.
We would rather rely on a quick fix than address the root cause of the issue and take responsibility for doing something about it.
How did we get to a place where having our bodies sliced open to fix our health issues is more commonly accepted in our society and is considered a less "extreme" alternative than cutting out meat from our diet?
It's about time we make a shift in our way of thinking and watching Forks Over Knives is a great first step.
Did you watch Forks Over Knives? What did you think? Share in the Comments below!